Wilkinsburg Stamp Club
Churchill Borough Building
2300 William Penn Hwy
Churchill, PA 15265

 Philately (stamp collecting) is a recreational and a true learning experience for people of all ages from all walks of life. Through a collection of stamps, you tour the world, this great nation, or our states.  Learn of the outdoors, the arts, and our history, including famous people and events.
We are an enthusiastic and active group of stamp collecting afficianados.  Whatever your age, income, or interest, we welcome all who, like ourselves, appreciate the myriad benefits and enjoy the many challenges that the world's most popular hobby has to offer.

We meet from from 12:30 P.M. to 4 P.M. on the second and fourth Sunday of each month.  Circuit Books are available to the membership, prior to and after the business meeting.  The business meeting starts at 2PM.

Join us at the
Churchill Borough Building,
2300 William Penn Hwy,
Churchill, PA 15235.

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